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Find and replace


Supports finding and replacing specified text in specified fields



Source code

const findText = await input.textAsync(
"Please enter the text you want to find:"
const replaceText = await input.textAsync(
"Want to replace the find text with:"

// The currently active form needs to be obtained through the Space API and passed to input.fieldAsync as a parameter
const datasheet = await space.getActiveDatasheetAsync();
const field = await input.fieldAsync(
"Please select the field name you want to find",
// Get the id of field
const fieldId =;

const records = await datasheet.getRecordsAsync();
const finalData = [];

// traverse records
for (let record of records) {
const recordId =;
// Get the data of the specified field of the record as cellValue
const cellValue = record.getCellValueString(fieldId);

// If the acquired data is empty, jump out of this cycle and directly execute the next time
if (cellValue == null) continue;

// Replace findText in cellValue with replaceText, and use a new variable - newCellValue
const newCellValue = cellValue.replaceAll(findText, replaceText);
// Determine whether the data before replacement is consistent with the data after replacement
if (cellValue !== newCellValue) {
// Inconsistency means that the corresponding record in the table needs to replace cellValue with newCellValue, and the data needs to be added to the finalData array
id: recordId,
valuesMap: { [fieldId]: newCellValue },

// Determine whether there is data in finalData, if there is no data, there is no need to replace
if (finalData.length) {
await datasheet.updateRecordsAsync(finalData);
output.text("The replacement is complete!");
} else {
output.text("No data found to be replaced");